Çok Güzel Bir Yazı Efekti
<!-- Web Site: http://enigma1xx.piczo.com --> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color:black; font-weight:bold; a:hover {text-Decoration:none}} a.links{ font-family:"Verdana", sans-serif; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; color:black; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;} a.links:active { color:black; } a.links:hover { } </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function enHex(aDigit) { return("0123456789ABCDEF".substring(aDigit, aDigit+1)) } function deHex(aDigit) { return("0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(aDigit)) } function toHex(n) { return (enHex((0xf00000 & n) >> 20) + enHex((0x0f0000 & n) >> 16) + enHex((0x00f000 & n) >> 12) + enHex((0x000f00 & n) >> + enHex((0x0000f0 & n) >> 4) + enHex((0x00000f & n) >> 0)) } function toDecimal(hexNum) { var tmp = ""+hexNum.toUpperCase() while (tmp.length < 6) tmp = "0"+tmp return ((deHex(tmp.substring(0,1)) << 20) + (deHex(tmp.substring(1,2)) << 16) + (deHex(tmp.substring(2,3)) << 12) + (deHex(tmp.substring(3,4)) << + (deHex(tmp.substring(4,5)) << 4) + (deHex(tmp.substring(5,6)))) } var hoverColour var numLinks; var rate; var numFadeLevels; var bgR; var bgG; var bgB; var currR; var currG; var currB; var count; var fadeOut; var continuous; var newColour; var tID; var redInterval; var greenInterval; var blueInterval; function initLinks(mouseOverColour, numberOfLinks, fadeOutColour) { hoverColour = mouseOverColour; numLinks = numberOfLinks; rate = 1; numFadeLevels = 30; function initArray(theArray, length, val) { for(i=0;i<length;i++) { theArray[i] = val; } } bgR = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(1,3) bgG = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(3,5) bgB = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(5,7) currR = new Array(numLinks); currG = new Array(numLinks); currB = new Array(numLinks); count = new Array(numLinks); fadeOut = new Array(numLinks); continuous = new Array(numLinks); newColour = new Array(numLinks); tID = new Array(numLinks); redInterval = toDecimal(bgR) / numFadeLevels; greenInterval = toDecimal(bgG) / numFadeLevels; blueInterval = toDecimal(bgB) / numFadeLevels; initArray(currR,numLinks,0); initArray(currG,numLinks,0); initArray(currB,numLinks,0); initArray(count,numLinks,0); initArray(fadeOut,numLinks,true); initArray(continuous,numLinks,true); } function startFade(id) { if(fadeOut[id] == true) { /*move colour towards background colour (increment)*/ currR[id] += redInterval; currG[id] += greenInterval; currB[id] += blueInterval; newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6); if(++count[id] == numFadeLevels) { fadeOut[id] = false; } } else { currR[id] -= redInterval; currG[id] -= greenInterval; currB[id] -= blueInterval; newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6); if(--count[id] == 0) { fadeOut[id] = true; } } if(continuous[id] == true) { document.getElementById(id).style.color = newColour[id]; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.color = hoverColour; } clearTimeout(tID[id]); tID[id]=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', rate); } function continueFade(id) { continuous[id] = true; } function stopFade(id) { continuous[id] = false; } function StartTimers() { //set up an initial set of timers to start the shimmering effect for(id=0; id<numLinks; id++) { t=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', id*100); } } //format = initLinks('mouse-over colour', 'number of links', 'fade-out colour') //ปรับสี เมื่อนำ cursor ไปวาง และสี เมื่อ cursorเลื่อนออกไป initLinks('#FFFFFF', 6, '#FFCC77'); //--> </script> <!-- แก้ไขข้อความและ Link--> <center> <a class="links" id="0" onmouseover="stopFade('0'); " onmouseout="continueFade('0'); ">:Hosgeldiniz:</a> <br> <a class="links" id="1" onmouseover="stopFade('1'); " onmouseout="continueFade('1'); ">:::::Efekti:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="2" onmouseover="stopFade('2'); " onmouseout="continueFade('2'); ">::::Goruyorsunuz::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="3" onmouseover="stopFade('3'); " onmouseout="continueFade('3'); ">::::::Bence Guzel:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="4" onmouseover="stopFade('4'); " onmouseout="continueFade('4'); ">:::::Sence Nasıl:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="5" onmouseover="stopFade('5'); " onmouseout="continueFade('5'); ">::::::Senin İcin:::::</a> </center> <br> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- setTimeout('StartTimers()', 1000); //initial 1 second delay to allow page to load and ensure smooth shimmering //--> </script> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Sarı Renk Üzerine Yanıp Sönen Yazı
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="Text/JavaScript"> fifteenth = ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')>0) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4));var sixteenth=0, seventeenth=0, eighteenth = 3, nineteenth = 10, first2; function fifth2(){ if (fifteenth) { sixteenth +=eighteenth; seventeenth+=nineteenth; sixth2=32; if(seventeenth>100) seventeenth=100; if(sixteenth>100) { sixteenth=100; eighteenth =-10; nineteenth =-3; sixth2=350; } if(sixteenth<0) sixteenth=0; if(seventeenth<0) { seventeenth=0; eighteenth =3; nineteenth =10; sixth2=200; } fifteenth3.style.filter='Alpha(Opacity='+seventeenth+',FinishOpacity='+sixteenth+',style=2)'; first2=setTimeout('fifth2()',sixth2); }} setTimeout('fifth2()',9); </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <center> <div id='fifteenth3' style="width:500px; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, mono; font-size: 36pt; color: red; Filter:Alpha(Opacity=0,FinishOpacity=0,style=2); background-color: yellow; layer-background-color: yellow; border: 2px none #000000;">Yazınızı Buraya Yazın</div> </center> </body> </html> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Değişik Bir Yazı Türü
<DIV ID="Zittertext" STYLE="width : 100%; font-size : 36pt; color : blue; filter : Wave(freq=5, light=20, phase=50, strength=6);">Kod Dünyasına Hosgeldiniz</DIV> <script Language="JavaScript"> function DynWave() { if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq > 30) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq = 5; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq += 1; if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase > 100) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase = 0; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase += 10; if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength > 10) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength = 1; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength += 1; window.setTimeout("DynWave()",100); } DynWave(); </script> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Uçan Yazılar
<script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var speed=40; // speed of flight, lower is faster var count=250; // number of frames before animation complete var airbon, airtxt, airtop, airlef; var swide=800; var shigh=600; var frame=count; var ax=new Array(); var ay=new Array(); window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { var i, y, airme, airli; set_width(); airbon=document.getElementById("airborne"); if (!document.all) airbon.style.position="relative"; // ie bug fix airtxt=airbon.firstChild.nodeValue; while (airbon.childNodes.length) airbon.removeChild(airbon.childNodes[0]); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { airli=document.createElement("span"); airli.setAttribute("id", "airb"+i); airli.appendChild(document.createTextNode(airtxt.charAt(i))); airbon.appendChild(airli); } y=getPageTop(airbon); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) ax[i]=getPageLeft(document.getElementById("airb"+i)); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { if (Math.random()<0.5) { ax[i]=((Math.random()<0.5)?0:swide)-ax[i]; ay[i]=(Math.floor(Math.random()*shigh))-y; } else { ay[i]=((Math.random()<0.5)?0:shigh)-y; ax[i]=(Math.floor(Math.random()*swide))-ax[i]; } airme=document.getElementById("airb"+i); airme.style.position="relative"; airme.style.left=ax[i]+"px"; airme.style.top=ay[i]+"px"; } fly_me(); }} function set_width() { if (typeof(self.innerWidth)=="number") { swide=self.innerWidth; shigh=self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { swide=document.documentElement.clientWidth; shigh=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body.clientWidth) { swide=document.body.clientWidth; shigh=document.body.clientHeight; } } function getPageLeft(el) { var x=0; do { x+=el.offsetLeft } while ((el=el.offsetParent)!=null) ; return x; } function getPageTop(el) { var y=0; do { y+=el.offsetTop } while ((el=el.offsetParent)!=null) ; return y; } function fly_me() { var airme; for (var i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { ax[i]-=swide*ax[i]*Math.random()/(frame*(count-1)); ay[i]-=shigh*ay[i]*Math.random()/(frame*(count-1)); airme=document.getElementById("airb"+i); airme.style.left=Math.round(ax[i])+"px"; airme.style.top=Math.round(ay[i])+"px"; } if (--frame) setTimeout("fly_me()", speed); } // ]]> </script><span id="airborne">YAZINIZI BURAYA YAZIN</span> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Peygamberler Tarihi Hz. Âdem Hz. Davut Hz. Eyyub Hz. Harun Hz. Hizir Hz. Hud Hz. İsa Hz. İsmail Hz. İbrahim Hz. İlyas Hz. İshak Hz. İdris Hz. Lut Hz. Lokman Hz. Musa Hz.Muhammet (S.A.V) Hz. Nuh Hz. Sâlih Hz. Süleyman Hz. Şuayb Hz. Şit Hz. Yahya Hz. Yakub Hz. Yunus Hz. Yusuf Hz. Zülkifl Hz. Zekeriyya Hz. Zülkarneyn